
Research and reports

Knowledge is at the heart of the community foundation difference. Browse some of the research and articles we have acquired or commissioned in key areas of our work.

Outcomes of Phase 3 of Hamilton Community Foundation’s (HCF) Participatory Granting Pilot
This report summarizes the outcomes of Phase 3 of Hamilton Community Foundation’s (HCF) Participatory Granting Pilot, which launched in January 2024. The pilot forms part of HCF’s overall Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) strategy, with the goal of enhancing equitable resource distribution and community empowerment among equity-deserving community (EDC) organizations in Hamilton.

Exploring the Relationship Between High School Math Achievement and PSE Pathways Using the CRP Dataset
This HEQCO report finds that students with stronger math achievement in high school are more likely to access and succeed in postsecondary education.

Learning from Educator Experiences with Grade 9 Destreaming Supports and Strategies
This HEQCO report summarizes the themes that emerged from a workshop designed to gather insights and impressions from teachers, in-class support staff, department heads, principals, vice principals and board administrators involved with destreaming initiatives at two Ontario school boards.

Experiencing urban change along Hamilton’s LRT corridor: Resident experiences prior to construction
This report aims to better understand what kinds of urban changes are experienced by residents living along the LRT corridor before construction begins.

Thinking beyond the market: Innovative housing examples based on people, not profit
This report outlines a number of key examples of policies, programs and projects that work outside the parameters of the private housing market.

Pandemic Education Research Project

This project between Hamilton Community Foundation and the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board, examined the effects of the pandemic on students and families by hearing directly from youth and youth-serving agencies. The perspectives of each are provided in the reports below
Service provider report
Youth report

The Power of Connected Data: Charting Student Pathways to and through Postsecondary in Hamilton This report was produced by the Hamilton Community Research Partnership (The Hamilton-Wentworth public and Catholic school bards, McMaster University, Mohawk College, the Hamilton Community Foundation and the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario) who created a pilot to   whose purpose was to better understand the education pathways of Hamilton students, in order to develop and test a data-sharing mechanism that would enable a better understanding of the education pathways of Hamilton students. It presents a case for a provincial strategy that connects depersonalized student data across educational institutions.

CRP Blueprint: How we Built a Community Data Infrastructure This report delves more deeply into the process of setting up the Community Research Partnership, including the practices established for dealing with issues such as protecting student privacy, and provides an outline for other organizations to follow. It is intended as a resource for other communities interested in establishing similar data-sharing partnerships to inform policy.

Better together guide
A resource for understanding charitable sponsorships.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Women in Hamilton, Ontario
This February 2021 report, commissioned by HCF’s Women 4 Change, provides a window into the disproportionate effects of the pandemic on local women. Combining qualitative and quantitative data, it illustrates inequality locally exploring themes themes like health distress, economic stress, caregiving and unpaid labour, and intimate partner violence, while also providing considerations for potential policy and program development.

Unfunded: Black Communities Overlooked by Canadian Philanthropy
Prepared by the Network for the Advancement of Black Communities and Carleton’s Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership Program, the report provides the first in-depth examination of the relationship between Canadian philanthropy and Black communities.

Are we looking in the mirror?
A June 2020 open letter to community foundations on anti-racism, belonging, and the past, present and future of philanthropy  from Andrew Chunilall, CEO of Community Foundations of Canada following the death of George Floyd.

Impact investing
A collection of articles that support our approach to impact investing.

Women and Girls in Hamilton
This report reviews current issues and concerns facing the over 380,000 women and girls that live in Hamilton. Through reviewing primary research and secondary data, this report discusses opportunities to influence change.

Hamilton’s Millennials and Community Belonging
Hamilton’s Millennials and Community Belonging presents a snapshot of upcoming research from McMaster University on the city’s millennials and the impact of precarious work on some of the drivers of belonging and community engagement, including volunteering and participation in community events, as well as millennials’ overall sense of optimism about work, connections and prospects for the future.

Working Together
This report from the City of Hamilton’s Labour Market Action Partnership looks at employment, education and training, provides specific data for three Hamilton neighbourhoods and is a useful resource on post-secondary access.

A New Anchor Mission for a New Century: Community foundations deploying all resources to build community wealth
This publication from the Democracy Collaborative looks at 30 community foundations of various sizes and stages and innovative steps they are taking toward “what could emerge as a new anchor mission to deploy all resources to build community wealth.”

Good Data Comes to Those Who Wait: What We Now Know About Early Interventions to Promote Access to PSE
This article discusses the limitations of financial assistance as the only tool to encourage students to pursue post-secondary education and the need to approach low income families well before their children reach high school.

Beyond Appearances: Brief on the main issues facing girls in Canada
This issue brief from Girls Action Foundation discusses the “ significant real-life challenges” that remain in Canada, especially for girls who are marginalized.

Summary of Hope and Despair in the American City: Why there are no bad schools in Raleigh
Efforts to reduce poverty – and, in turn, improve social and economic outcomes for all Hamiltonians – are a priority for both the Hamilton Community Foundation and the community as a whole. This paper summarizes and explains income integration within schools as one potential focus of these efforts, as well as examine key research and policy considerations that will be helpful in the discussion of this approach.

Impact investing in Canada: State of the Nation Report
This report provides updated information and analysis that can inform both new and existing actors in the impact investment sector.

Mobilizing Private Capital for Social Good
This report from the Canadian Task Force on Social Finance calls on institutional investors, corporations, philanthropists, foundations and governments to work together to build a robust impact investing marketplace in Canada. You can also download the Year One update.

Small Project Funding Toolkit
Hamilton Community Foundation and the City of Hamilton provide small grants funding for resident projects in communities which are part of the Neighbourhood Action Strategy. Small projects can be a great way to reach out to residents in your neighbourhood.  This application, criteria and toolkit is provided by the Social Planning and Research which administers the small grants.

Looking Back…Moving Forward
A retrospective on HCF’s poverty reduction work through its Tackling Poverty Together program.