Grants and student awards

Open Grants: HCF’s Fund Finding Program

New for 2025-26, the Open Grants program brings together a number of HCF funds into one granting opportunity. 

The purpose of the Open Grants program is to assist and provide funds in the fields of education, health and human services, recreation, the environment and the arts in Hamilton.

Who is eligible to apply?

HCF grants only to registered Canadian charities and others qualified as described in Section 110 of the Income Tax Act.  On occasion, not-for-profit organizations without charitable status may be sponsored by a registered charity

What kind of projects/initiatives will be funded?

Hamilton Community Foundation provides grants to local programs and organizations that improve the quality of life in our city in the health & human services, recreation, education, and environmental sectors. Funding assessment is also guided by values of equity, diversity and inclusion. 

What will not be funded?
  • Major capital projects/campaigns
  • Fundraising campaign costs and contributions
  • Grants to individuals
  • Endowment requests or deficit reduction
  • Retroactive requests (expenses incurred prior to funding period)
  • Team sponsorships
  • Political activities that are prohibited by the Canada Revenue Agency
  • Event sponsorships
  • Activities outside of Hamilton or without specific benefit to residents of Hamilton
  • Activities or services that include faith-based programming
  • Activities delivered by faith-based organizations that cannot ensure benefit is going beyond the congregation, and that faith is not a requirement of participation.
  • Activities that undermine, restrict or infringe on human rights legally protected in Canada.
  • Research
How do I apply?

The Open Grants Program will grant twice a year – in May and October. There are two funding streams per call:

  • Stream A – for grant requests up to and including $15,000
  • Stream B – for grant requests from $15,001 to $35,000

Applications must be submitted through the NEW enhanced online application portal.

How often can we apply?

Organizations may submit one application in each funding stream for different projects/initiatives per fiscal year (April 1, 2025 – March 31, 2026). If you are unsuccessful in your request in the first round, you may re-submit in the second round for the same or a different project.  We suggest that if you are re-submitting for the same project that was declined, you consult with HCF staff prior to submission.   

Please note that you are free to apply to other open call funds at HCF as well.

Check out our FAQ here.

Questions may be directed to Sharon Charters at or Elizabeth Webb at

Other open calls

The open call rounds listed below are not included in the Open Grants program. Hamilton Community Foundation grants to the widest range of charitable organizations and initiatives. Grants are made in two ways:

Click here to view list of our 2023-24 grants.

Who qualifies?

HCF provides grants for projects that benefit the citizens of Hamilton and by law, grants only to registered Canadian charities and others qualified as described in Section 110 of the Income Tax Act.  On occasion, not-for-profit organizations without charitable status may be sponsored by a registered charity. We also offer community loans to charities, not profits and social enterprises.

Online portal

Log in to the online portal here.


For organizations reporting via HCF’s online grants management system, a link to complete the report will be sent automatically to the original applicant. Before working on the report please be sure to read the following guide.

For reporting on grants other than those from the funds listed below, our correspondence advising you of the grant will indicate which one of these two reports you should complete:
Final report – Abbreviated
Final report – General

Recognition guidelines

This link provides direction on recognizing your HCF grant. Please contact us at if you have questions.

Apply here

Application portal opens: Open now
Application portal closes: Thursday, April 3, 2025 – 5:00 p.m.

Amount available for distribution out to the community:  To be confirmed.
Priorities: Camperships for Hamilton and Burlington children whose families could not otherwise afford the cost of summer camp

Grants generally range from
$1,000 – $10,000

Read & apply

Read & apply

Application portal is now closed.

Amount available for distribution out to the community:  To be confirmed.
Priorities: Projects designed to enrich the learning of middle-school aged children that focus on one or all of the following: student achievement; addressing learning loss due to the pandemic; student belonging; and engagement with peers and school community.

Grants generally range from
$100 – $500

Read & apply

Application portal is now closed.

Amount available for distribution out to the community:  To be confirmed.
Priorities: For 2024-25, the fund will consider applications within two focus areas. These are:
1. Supports and Services to improve the quality of life for seniors
2. Mental Health across the ages

Grants generally range from
$1,000 – $5,000

Read & apply